They're talking about us...Cosmetics Magazine

Press (9)
Mar 27, 2023

On parle de nous...

Hi, Beauty! Dream care!

By Cosmetics Magazine - Spring 2023 Edition


Our EXPRESS SCRUB is featured in this CANADIAN Cosmetics Magazine article!


"We all dream of having a healthy, breathing face, but to get a silky skin and a radiant complexion, the task can seem difficult! Bombarded with information by multiple brands, finding the best care for yourself can indeed be a puzzle. 


With sales expected to exceed $200 billion by 2028 on the international market, we can expect revolutionary treatments and products, tools and innovations that are even more effective and more successful in the sector.


Whether it’s achieving a more defined oval without surgery or adopting a more appropriate care routine, here are the little jars that will give your epidermis flexibility, a WOW lift, incredible hydration and a younger look!"


To purchase the product: Express Scrub

To consult the magazine: Spring 2023 edition


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