They're talking about us... La Semaine Magazine

Press (9)
Jan 18, 2023

On parle de nous...

Hydratant, apaisant, régénérant...10 masques pour se dorloter

Par Myreille Simard


Chlorophyll mask


We love this green mask that contains seaweed, spirulina, chlorophyll and many other good things for our skin. Apply it in a thick layer on the face and once it is dry, peel it off without rinsing.


Blackcurrant mask


This version has been designed for the most sensitive skins. Blackcurrant acts as an antioxidant that promotes cell renewal, while brown algae and white clay are rich in vitamins.


$14 each, available online Edith Serei.


Read the article : 10 masques pour se dorloter

*Traduit du Français par Edith Serei*


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